Briton Ferry Llansawel AFC and Community Reds are delighted to announce funding for 2024/25.


£5,000 has been received to create an Education Hub named ‘Hyb Addysg Y Cochion/Reds Education Hub’.  This project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and will provide basic Welsh language sessions at the Hub over the next 12 months for interested members of the public, team players and club volunteers to encourage the use of the Welsh language within the club.   As part of the project an existing cabin will be renovated to create the Hub and the club would like to thank Neath Port Talbot Council and the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund for giving them the opportunity to move forward with this venture.  Club members are looking forward to opening the Hub and creating further educational opportunities and courses in this new dedicated space.

 Project Co-ordinator, Stuart Williams, said: “As well as the Welsh language sessions, Hyb Addysg Y Cochion will allow Community Reds to continue with other educational courses such as First Aid, Defib Training, Safeguarding, Coach Education, Mental Health and Dementia Awareness to name but a few, ensuring longevity after the project end, and we are delighted to have received assistance from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund which has allowed this project to take place.”




The first project secured through The National Lottery Awards for All Fund will allow the group to continue its Football Friendship Club ‘The Beautiful Game’ for the next 2 years after a huge success since its launch over 12 months ago.

The monthly group allows people from the Community to meet, chat and discuss all things football related while making friends in a safe environment, the next 2 years funding will include sessions to be held at other local football clubs where attendees will have free transport, refreshments and organised group activities at venues within the area helping with social inclusion, general wellbeing and even allowing volunteering opportunities along the way.

Project Co-Ordinator Stuart Williams said, ‘The group has been a huge success since the first phase of funding and the outcomes have been amazing, through partnership work with Neath YMCA this allowed us to form our new Walking Football and PAN Disability Group within the club and I really feel this extra help will allow us to grow this further, it was fantastic that the funders saw the great work over the last 12 months and have backed us to continue the group for the foreseeable future’.




Funding secured from Sport Wales has been received to help with the growth of our Walking Football and PAN Disability sections, the grant will allow purchase of new goals, a dedicated storage container, training venue contribution as well as education for coaches and volunteers over the next 12 months.

Project Co-ordinator Stuart Williams said ‘ The grant received from Sport Wales will help us to continue to grow our new sections in line with our Equality Charter and Equal Opportunities Policies and also help us with our Educational drive for people within our Community, the focus is always on Community Engagement and becoming ‘More than just a Football Club’ and this grant along with others secured for the next 2 years will allow us to provide Mental & Physical development for those wanting it within the area.’